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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1063
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2021 .14 .5014
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14،
number In Volume 1،
issue Number 59
Investigation The Stylistic Features Of ‘ Ghorare Dorar ‘ By Hosseini Samarqandi
Hossein Poursharif , Reza Fahimi (Author in Charge), Manizheh Fallahi
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The book of ‘ Ghorare Dorar ‘, the work of ‘ Abu-Al- Barakat Hosseini Samarkandi ‘ ( alive in the second half of the fifth century AH ) is one of the moral-literary texts that despite having instructive anecdotes from the beginning of Islam and the speech of the elders of the people, from the Prophet and his companions and Imams to the saints and elders, unfortunately , after centuries of writing and having valuable manuscripts , it has not been corrected and published. The purpose of this study is to examine the stylistic features of this book at three levels ; linguistic, literary and intellectual .
METHODOLOGY: The present research has been done with descriptive-analytical method and library tools .
FINDINGS: By examining the elders and professors of his narration and the period of their life and year of death and the personalities mentioned in the book , it was discovered that the author of the ‘ Ghorare Dorar ‘ was born in the fifth century AH . Examining the stylistic features of the book , it became clear that the author did not go beyond the standard language of that period in writing his book .
CONCLUSION: The prose of the book is simple and sent , away from special techniques and special verbal restrictions and free from any artificiality and obligation. From a doctrinal and theological point of view the author can be considered a Sunni Sufi who has had a special devotion to the family of the Prophet (peace be upon him ) . In terms of structure and content , the book has been compiled in the style of ‘ Tanbih-Al-Ghafelin’ by ‘ abu-Al-leithe Samarkandi’ .
Mohammad Ibn Ahmade Hosseini Samarkandi
, Ghorare Dorar
, Manuscripte
, Text correction
, Stylistic features .
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